Out Of The Frying Pan Straight To The Garbage Can

User Rating: 1.8 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Before the Combat Upgrade, SWG was a deep, immersive, engaging and downright addictive game with massive potential to become the best persistant virtual world MMORPG ever made. It failed to live up to this potential due to a lack of vision on the part of the producing companies, a lack of proper code control and poor development practices married to a deep lack of commitment on the part of both SOE and LA to customer satisfaction.

In an effort to bolster their slowly flagging subscription and sales numbers, they brought out the Combat Upgrade, a poorly implemented rush job hybrid of the classic skills based core mechanics and the more limiting, less engaging classic level mechanics used by many computer games. This upgrade did anything but live up to its name, leaving old bugs and problems still very much present in the game and introducing new bugs and problems. This downgrade was a poor idea, poorly executed.

Directly following the Trials of Obi Wan expansion (available ONLY via digital download), the New Game Experience was released. This NGE is the worst MMO experience I have EVER wasted money and time on. This game is only partially completed, invalidates months (and for many, years) of time and money spent, and removes all of what made the Star Wars Galaxies game enjoyable and worth the time and money. It is a poorly done hybridization of the MMORPG and FPS game genres that fails to deliver the finer points of both game types and suffers the shortcomings of both.

Anyone who enjoys good fast pased console play is well advised to stick to Battlefront and steer clear of this massively bugged, sadly bungled hybrid. Those who prefer the deep, challenging and intellectual pleasures of the sophisticated virtual world game MMOs should also invest their time and money elsewhere, as SWG no longer offers anything worth persuing in persistant virual world gaming. Even the outdated Anarchy Online offers more bang for the buck on this front.

Buyer beware!