Only as good as your internet connection for combat, bugs, bugs, lag, lag, and if you want to be a jedi get KOTOR II.
Combat can be very trickly, although easy to learn (can you say point and click), however, you can't select your target, so the game involves mad clicking on your mouse while pressing keys on the keyboard to select what you want your right mouse button to do - read no hotkey commands in combat :-( Your left key BTW is simple attack.
Ranged combat professions are much more enjoyable to play than jedi from what other players told me, and if you like crafting, well forget it, because there is no decay in the game and soon, no one will need to bye anything as they will either loot it or already have it from a quest, if the quest wasn't buggy.
If you happen to run into a large spawn, or your internet connection gives you a hickup it will cost you dearly in this game, as there is no attack command like WoW. If you lag, your clicks might not get through and you die, that simple. Those who like PVP be warned, the player with the fastest internet connection wins. This combat system is not like WoW where you select an enemy and then you know you are attacking even if your internet connection lags for a couple of seconds... in this game lag can seriously affect your game play, modem users shouldn't even bother, satellite highspeed is out, and even cable modem users should think twice about buying this game.
There are plently of other Star Wars games outthere and if I had to do it again, I would not spend one cent on this one.
I can not recommend this game to anyone, and I am not that fussy, so don't say I didn't warn you.