Tried it again...Different game, but the same frustrating bugs...

User Rating: 6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I enjoyed galaxies, on many levels, several years ago. There was a magic there, especially with their crafting system. The ony complaint I had many years ago was their skill based system and also their combat system. Both of those things were drastically changed in this new iteration.

After looking through 100's of different opinions and dozens of reviews, I decided to break down and buy the starter kit.

The good: Missions are fun, leveling is fast, combat has a better "star wars" feel to it, droppable loot.

The bad: Crafting is worthless now, economy is totally screwed up, lag and bugs are at a level of the worst beta games out there (I have a top-end system too and it takes over 30-seconds to load the game,) community is crap, and I can keep going but I'd rather not.

The thing is, if the bugs were not there and the program ran fine, I'd probably still play, but my time is valuable and I am not going to sit at my screen for 15-seconds, waiting for the server to catch up.

I might try again a year or two down the road, once they are able to fullfill their new image of what Star Wars should be, but I believe a few other Sci-Fi MMORPG's will probably make it impossible for this product to ever recover.