I really wanted to like this game. But you can only put up with lag and bugs for so long...

User Rating: 5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I read the mixed reviews and decided to give this game a chance anyway. I downloaded the demo and right off I really enjoyed the game. I wanted to see more so I spent the money on a 1 month subscription. After an 8 hour download of the full game, I finally was able to play. For about the first 2 weeks, I really got into the game, running through the storyline missions and leveling up my character fairly quickly to about lvl 20. Unfortunately, the experience was marred by ongoing lag, lots of bugs, slow loading times, a few crashes-to-desktop, and extremely repetitive missions.
When I first started playing the full version, I immediately experienced horrible lag in Mos Eisley and anywhere else that there were lots of NPCs and other players. Even when flying my speeder across the desert of Tattoine, the game would stutter and hiccup as it rendered objects in front of me. Even after turning every single graphic setting in the game to low, I still has the same stuttering lag. And the game has a bad habit of rendering buildings, walls, etc randomly and sometimes right on top of you as your flying across the landscape.
There were more then a few missions that could not be completed because of NPCs that just wouldn't respond, or were stuck in walls and couldn't be killed. At one point, you were told to go kill some NPCs at a waypoint out in the desert, but once you got to the waypoint, there were no NPCs to be found (I later read on the forums that the waypoint was in the wrong place). I do have to give credit to the in-game tech support though. On one mission, the NPC I needed to kill was stuck in a wall. I opened a ticket and within about 5 mins, a support person contacted me and un-stuck the NPC.
Another downside was that a lot of the missions were VERY repetitive and tiresome. I wanted to claw my eyes out after the 10th Jabba mission to go kill some bad guys 5000m out in the desert. I think I spent 10x as long sitting there watching my speeder fly across the desert then actually in battle.
One thing I did enjoy was the space flight part of the game. Unfortuantely, at least in my experience, there wasn't a whole lot of missions geared toward space flight/battle. And in the few space missions I completed, I found upgrades for my ship but couldn't install them because my ship was too small. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to buy or build a larger ship so all my upgrades just sat in my inventory forever. I really would have enjoyed it more if there was more emphasis on building up your piloting skills and upgrading to better ships (maybe I just didn't play the game long enough to get to that point).
Anyway, to sum it all up, the game has a lot of potential to be a great mmorpg. And I would have probably kept playing it had there not been so many bugs and above all LAG! It was probably worth the cost of the 1st months subscription fee, but one can only take so much lag, and so many bugs before frustration sets in. I canceled my account earlier tonight and I doubt I'll even play out the rest of the remaining week.