Neither versions of the Game made me keep with it but like the older one better

User Rating: 5.3 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I first played Star Wars Galaxies in 2003 and at first I loved it but it was very time consuming. After about two or three months I stopped playing the game. It just took to long to gain experience for me. I decided to come back to Star Wars Galaxies after watching my girlfriend playing City of Heroes. I was trying to point out to her that there wasnt enough to City of Heroes all you did was run around and killed things and that was it. I reinstalled Galaxies to my computer and after a long time trying to remeber my station name and passward, I rejoined the game and created a new character who was a smuggler. At first I loved how quickly I could advance and I was a big fan of the Space Expansion. Making money to spend on the Bazaar Terminals was not hard either. But After a week I grew very tired of the game again. It was missing the Multiplayer feel, I did not have any need for player interaction to go on hunts anymore. I missed the hours spent on the original version hunting then camping and sitting around the camp fire, healing and just chatting with fellow players. That is all but gone it seems. I found that I really did not need to be playing 15 dollars a month to play a single player game, luckily SOE was kind enough to give me a 15 day free deal, I guess for being a veteran but I dont know. I feel like there was much more to the game before.