SOE has taken a once great game and turned it into a pile of turd.

User Rating: 1.6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Where to begin. Before the NGE and the Starter Pack, SWG, was going strong. But then they decided to relase it for the X-Box. In order to make it work for the X-Box, there had to be some gameplay changes to the PC version. They made the changes, everyone hated them, everyone left, SOE canceled the X-Box version but kept the PC version in it's new state of crappiness. There were once somewhere around 40 proffesions, all interchangable. You get tierd of one? Drop it and work your way up a different one. Now theres only 9 classes and once you pick one, you're stuck with it.

They changed the combat system to make it not quite RPG style and not quite FPS style resulting in some sort of crappy click to engage in combat, target, attack, heal yoursefl combo.

There used ot be a number of unique proffesions such as Creature handler and Bio Engineer. Those are now gone, replaced by a shooting class, another shooting class, and anohter shooting class.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is SWG, a once great game now throughly sucks. Do not, under any circumstance buy this game, unless you enjoy giving away your money and getting almost nothing in return. In my opinion, it's faster and more fun to just flush it down the toilet. That way you get to see a wonderful spinning kalidescope of green go flowing away forever.