Eyesore Galaxies: Lemon Kit
Character creation is probably the most fun part of the game. The appearance of your character is highly customizable. You can choose from a large number of alien races and can control the minutest details of their facial appearance. I was very pleased to be able to create the exact look I was after (an overweight Wookie entertainer). Unfortunately the look is about all you can really control because the character classes all have set skills and abilities that can not be changed.
After getting my avatar in order it was time to get stuck in. The first thing I noticed was not the incredibly banal nature of the quests but the total lack of clipping! You can just walk right through everything. Desks, boxes, lights etc. Doors open for you but other characters just walk straight through. Don’t try to seek cover from blaster fire because it goes right through everything, even the walls!!! This made the early droid battle very confusing. I kept leaving the room to heal but kept getting shot. So much for using tactics and cover! It is appears amateurish. This is not the worst of the graphical problems, there are many more. At one point it actually began to rain inside – the space station. This was at first funny until I realized people were paying to experience this disaster.
Soldering on with the missions and trying to look past the glitches I did find the missions mildly entertaining and interaction with other players fun. Admittedly most of the other players had little interest in team play, but this has more to do with the single player focused early missions.
At some point you get to shoot down tie fighters and that’s when I hit my first game stopping glitch. I destroyed all the fighters but the game didn’t seem to realize and Han Solo keeps saying “destroy all those fighters kid”. They were all destroyed but the game didn’t seem to get it. Reloading, and rebooting didn’t help - I just got sent back to the turret. I was totally stuck. Damn.
Always a sucker I restarted the game this time as a new character class. The early missions were quite similar for the medic, making it a tedious hour or so. This time I was able to get a little further – the tie fighter shooting bug didn’t seem to hit a second time. This time however I needed to talk to the station commander on completing a mission killing pirates but she was half stuck in the wall. How the heck she managed to get half in and half out of the wall I don’t know but I meant I couldn’t seem to talk to her. AAARGH! By now I had invested several hours and the game had bugged out again.
In my opinion this is a faulty product! It’s a lemon. Kind of like selling a car that doesn’t really work. In fact I think somebody should report Sony Online to the authorities for consumer fraud. In short do not pay for this game until the bugs are sorted out.