Here is a true review of the game.

User Rating: 2.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
After being away from the game during all the actual changes, I finally decided to give it one more try with this 10day trial they are offering.

A lot of the game aspects are still really buggy and so this lends to a series of problems. The bugs get reported, the Devs try to fix it along with adding new content to the game, which in turn creates more problems and adds to the unstability of game play.

The iconic paths make it easier to choose a proffession and do take away from the guess work of having to build a template (used for pvp). However, it still only leaves you with 9 proffessions to choose from. If you choose entertainer prepair to be left alone in a cantina somewhere since the damage system doesnt really leave any reason to go to a cantina in the first place, since there is no mental or battle fatigue damage being done then
there really is no point to this proffession.

Crafting has been nearly decimated, with the npc's dropping loots like clothing, weapons, and specials that have no decay, there really is no point in tailors, weaponsmiths and cooks. A lot of the other crafting proffessions were folded into others. So again you are left with few choices and are back into the guess work of what you want to do as far as crafting is concerned. The crafting used to be a rewarding part of the game and ultimately was one of the bigger draws.

Armor is pointless since damage from NPC's is negilgable. I was mobbed by a few creatures and was even inconpacitated several times and was eventally forced to clone. However my health took no damage, it regenerated and I was right back at it. Hence no need for medics or doctors and Armorsmiths.

That leaves straight combat. Ok, its a point and click system very similar to FSP's. Yes the combat is easy and takes the guess work out of multiple attack options, but its over simplified. Considering that this is the only viable and playable portion of this game it leaves few options as far as the Iconic proffession go. It also leaves few options as far as gameplay is concerned questing and hunting is about all you can do.

SOE claims that the timeline of the game rests somewhere in between the end of a New Hope and the begining of Empire Strikes Back. This is completely blown by the fact that you can choose to be an instant jedi, which are supposed to be scarce in the timeline...but are now in abundance.

This game is in serious trouble and has all the major bugs and complications of an Alpha system. Little time was put into clearing out the bugs and little is being done to fix the ones that have plauged the game since launch. SOE feels content to keep adding new content to the game that will make it more exciting and fun to play, with each addition...another bug appears.

If you want to pay to be a beta system tester then this game is right at speed for you. If not? Then i would save your money, watch the forums for changes and wait till things get cleared up or find another game to play.