Well, much as I hate to admit it, SOE pulled their finger out.
I haven't played this game in over 5 years. I was tempted to see what had changed.
Too my surprise, a lot has changed.
More areas to explore, new updated combat system, New worlds and much, much game mechanics upgrade. In short the game is much better than it was when it first came out.
The game is fun to play, the bugs are gone. Now the major problem from before was the community. I went straight back to my old server and it is a lot less populated which is good...Not too many annoying people.
2nd the Support team, actually talks to the GM's now. They got entire new GM team and it is just that A TEAM. The Enviroment both of and on the game is pleasant.
It took them 4 expansions to get it right -but they've done it.
The only snag people are having is they've made the jedi proffession REALLY easy to get, Before you had to really earn it and really want to be one. Now you can just click jedi and work up the chain like the other proffessions, The jedi have less meanig now.
Overall They've done an incredible job. -- I really love this game again. Something I thought would Never happen.
There for I'm raising the score to a 8.5