Strong with the force!
User Rating: 9.3 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
I had never really liked PC games, but this game was my first true PC gaming experience. Everything about this game is excellent. The story, combat puzzles and the graphics are good too. You start out as a measly little merc. No lightsaber, and no force powers. You can play from the third or first person view. The first person is best for guns, the third person is best for lightsaber combat and force power related puzzles. In about the third or fourth level you get the famed lightsaber, and some basic force powers. Later on you get new force powers (light and dark), and overtime they all get more powerful. One of my favorite powers is force choke. When it gets to full power you can actually move enemies around, which makes for some fun fights on an edge of a high platform. This game includes a couple classic star wars characters, such as Luke and Lando, and a few new ones such as the evil Desann. All of the voice acting is great too. Multiplayer is also very entertaining in this game too. If you prefer bots don't worry, there are bots, all with different characteristics and force configurations. Force powers are a big part of multiplayer. You start out with up to 60 force points (I think) depending on the server creator's prefrence. You have acess to a lightsaber, and a pistol when you spawn in multiplayer. Other guns are spread throughout the map. The server creator can set it to lightsabers only, so no guns at all are availabe. My only complaint is that this game has very brief moments of hard puzzles and fights. Go out and by this game if you havn't already!