Great multi-player, but if you want to get absorbed in a good story in a galaxy far far away, don't bother.
I love the earliest games in this series. The original Jedi Knight is awesome. It didn't have the best combat engine. It was an awkward first stab at "powers" and "sword fighting" in a first person game, but it rocked. Of course, I like FMV stuff cause I'm retarded that way. I just enjoyed the dinky little story about this guy becoming a Jedi. It felt so fanboy Star Warsy for me.
I didn't get that from this game. In the original, every world felt distinct. Even in Dark Forces, I nerded out on each new level. I felt like I was really there. I enjoyed being in my favorite places in the Star Wars universe.
This game doesn't do that. Most levels just feel generic and bland. The story doesn't draw me in. These don't feel like the characters I fell in love with in previous games. They are new, and I don't like them as much.
All the bad out of the way, the combat rocks. Multiplayer is tons of fun. The powers and dueling have really been thought out. It's easy to get into. There's nothing like dropping friends over cliffs or smashing them against walls.