One of the best Star Wars games!

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
This is one of the best SW Games I ever played
The story is excellent, the characters are deep and the action is great
I can still remember the first time I played that I was actually pretty furious about "Dessan" killing Jan... I wanted to put my hand through the monitor and choke him to death (force choke apparently didn't work)
This game is highly recommended for any action game loving fan but for a SW fan it's something very special because you get to "see" all those familiar faces that you came to care about.
Right now I'm playing the first Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) and I get to see the and feel the difference between the 2 game's lightsaber combat,
In outcast the lightsaber is the best weapon you can get and the ritual to regain it is perfect, not to mention the tricks you can do with it.
The first few levels till you gain the saber and start gaining back your ability to use the Force are not too appealing, for some people this is a showstoper and will give up playing but little do they know that after those levels, the real fun starts, so if you're a little patient you'll get a great reward
The Force powers and their use is greatly enhanced in Outcast over the first Jedi Knight and you'll love the higher levels of all the powers even if you're not a fan. I remember rushing into a squad of Stormtroppers just to push them all away and make them fall of ledges (ha ha ha) I haven't seen anything like that in other games except SW.
The ending is one of the best possible in a true Star Wars style.
To conclude this review, I must say that I'm really looking forward to another game from this series with Kyle Katarn being the playable character.