I got this game cheap and its coo

User Rating: 7.1 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast GC
i got this game for 19.99 at a place called vintage stock and i couldent belive my eyes when i saw the pricetag. At the beginning of this game i didnt have a light saber and i was like "wdf!!!" so i was stuck with a blaster pistol....so later on i finnaly got a lightsaber and the fighting style was very dumb all you had to do was hold R and it did some ridiculus combos and the story line was very cheesy..so i turned to the jedi acadamy multi player thingy and it is frikin sweeT!!!!!! screw the single player the acadamy is the best thing on there...there is capture the flag, team battle, free for all, hohocron free for all, and all that good stuff....i almost forgot there is jedi master which is my FAVORITE! so if you see this game for 50 dollors dont buy it look for more of a bargin like 20 bucks thats more like it!!!!