great fighting game, maybe the best of the starwars games for pc

User Rating: 7.2 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
In Jedi Outcast you once again take on the role of the likeable mercenary Kyle Katarn who starred in Dark Forces, Jedi Knight and was part of Mysteries of the Sith's storyline. Due to the events at the Sith temple on Dromuund Kaas in MotS Katarn has given up his Jedi Powers in fear of being tempted by the dark side like he was on the dreary swamp world, so he has returned to his mercenary ways and works as an agent for the New Republic. Eventually he will have to reconnect to the Force, to stop a newly surfaced Dark Jedi.

The gameplay in Jedi Outcast is fairly similar to the gameplay in Jedi Knight. Unlike Jedi Knight, though; you cannot choose what Force powers you get, and when, as that is all decided at the beginning of every mission. Also the weapons in Outcast are underpowered when compared to those found in Dark Forces, and Jedi Knight. The guns seem very weak, and the lightsaber is extremely underpowered.

The level design in the past Dark Forces games was solid and atmospheric; unfortunately Jedi Outcast suffers from poor to borderline absurd level design. Most of the levels are fairly bland in design, and quite frequently look quite similar. Granted I wasn't expecting eye candy like in, say, Unreal when playing Outcast as the Dark Forces series was never about eye candy, but even 1995's Dark Forces featured more varied and atmospheric levels than Outcast.

Jedi Outcast uses the Quake III engine which was dated even at the time Outcast came out. Despite this, the graphics were decent and characters were detailed, though nothing in the game stood out. The graphics are good, but not great.

The sound is as you would expect from a Star Wars game. There is all around decent voice acting, and the game is filled with Star Wars sound effects and the memorable original trilogy score by John Williams. Outcast also sees the return of interactive music that is quiet when you are exploring, and picks up when you enter combat with enemies. The sound is great.

Jedi Outcast is a solid successor to the previous two titles in the series, but it could have been a lot better if Raven put more effort into the level design, and spent some more time balancing the weapons. Regardless, it is a must play for Dark Forces\Jedi Knight, and Star Wars fans alike.