User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
Now that's more like it, we need more games of this quality. I've been waiting along time for a really good Star Wars game. Jedi Outcast fills the void of sub-standard Games From Lucus-arts. Although Raven did develop this game. So maybe sub-standard games fron lucus-arts will continue, I hope not. However let's get on with Jedi outcast, how is it you say great, Grahics are awsome, the Quake 3 engine has never looked better. Although I do have one minor complaint, I wish you were allowed to pick what skills you want instead of them being picked for you. The original Jedi Knight II allowed you to upgrade your own skill level after each level was completed, and depending on how well you completed the level you could get more skill points to upgrade your character. However that's no big deal the skills you do get are still really cool. Also I really like the Kyle Katarn character, he has that cruff mersionary quality to him. Also he talks, kinda helps develop the charcter alittle (hint) Half Life you know the muted Gorden Freeman. But getting back to Jedi Outcast, sound great, gameplay top notch, and Story awsome. So final rulling buy this game now if your a GAMER!