User Rating: 8.7 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy XBOX
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy really improves on virtually everything that made Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast great, but with a few more tweaks it could of been superp. First off, it's gameplay. The game's single player is very action filled, with plenty of enimies to kill with your light saber ( or other weapons) from the very beginning (later on you can choose to stick with the traditional single saber or switch to a saber staff or dual sabers). The game also has a few force problem solving moments that really help to slow down the action and let you regroup before entering the next area (things like using force push or force speed to find your way out of an area). The game also adds a new force power called force sense to find out what to do in certain areas and adds some new saber jumping moves such as a cartwheel and forward barrel spin. The game also gives each saber style strengths and weaknesses: dual sabers have fast moves that are good at surounding your enimies, but do little damage per strike; the saber staff has slower more poweful swings, but can be easily avoided; and the single saber has an effective saber throw along with the ability to change your saber stance (strong, weak, and medium), but doesn't have as good of special moves as the other saber styles. You can also custimize the hilt and color of your light saber, but the hilt styles are slightly limited. You now get to choose what your character looks like this time too and that's pretty sweat, but your choices are kind of limited (you can also custimize your character in multiplayer). The multiplayer is probably the funest aspect of the game, but is kind of downgraded from the last instalment (you can only verse 7 bots and there are very few game maps this time). Jedi Academy also has a lot more characters to choose from too (including Chewbocca and Bobo Fett) and more custimization aspects (you can change your character, force powers, or saber looks/style at anytime durring a match) than Jedi Knight II had. All in all the game has many fun and intrigueing aspects (a lot more than what I mentioned) that really make the gameplay great. Now the graphics. The game has great looking tectures and saber animations, but everything else has really aged. Everything seems to be very blocking and square edged and the lighting affects are pretty good, but they could of been a bit better. The cut scenes have really improved compared to Jedi Knight II's, but they're still not up to date. The animation is very smooth looking when characters are jumping and swinging a light saber, but the mouth movement and the walking animation looks pretty choppy. I think it's time for Raven to get a better graphics engine because I don't think their games'graphics are going to get any better using that old quake 2 engine. Next, the sound. Many people feel that it's time to put different music into Star Wars games than the old traditional Star Wars music, but I think that it still works great. The music tends to get louder and faster durring battles which helps to build suspense and the music also gets softer and slower durring more relaxed moments which all makes the game feel interseting. The best part about the sound is the light sabers, every light saber sound is well done and really brings the game to life. The voice acting is also well done which makes the game's plot feel more interseting as it unfolds. The dark jedis' taunts and insults kind of get repetitive after a while, but it doesn't create a real problem. If you like Star Wars music then I think you will find Jedi Academy's sound to be superp. Now the games value. This game is very fun and I'm sure anyone wouldn't mind playing through the game's campaign multiple times to test out the different force powers and light saber styles and why of coarse see how the plot unfolds when you choose to be on a different side of the force (when the time comes to choose what side of the force you want to be on you can save the game and just play from there once you beat the game). The multiplayer is very fun too and rarely gets boring. I can't say whether or not the Xbox Live play is good becuase I don't have Xbox Live, but I'm sure it's great. Now the tilt. The game's option to choose what misions to take and when, and the major character/force/saber custimization options really help to make this game feel sweat. The controls are also very responsive and easy to operate, I don't know why people complain about them because they are very easy to handle. The games intrigueing plot also really helps this game to feel like your in the Star Wars universe. The only strange thing I found was that they put Bobo Fett into the game when he died in episode VI Return of the Jedi. I also wish that they would make a Star Wars game where you get to play as Darth Vader in multiplayer. lastly Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is truely a great Star Wars game that combines the custimization options and interesting plot that was found in KOTOR and the action found in great shooters.