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User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC
Jedi academy offers you the chance of wielding a lightsaber or two or a doublesided one. This game is the best star wars game so far out of all of the star wars games they have made. Singleplayer is pretty easy to beat and would take you a week or more or less to beat. So the singleplayer is easy but still fun. The best part of this game is multiplayer and online play. When you play multiplayer you can choose out of around 25 - 30 characters or customize and choosing your force powers as well which is awesome. The force powers are push,pull,mind trick, protect, lightning and choking! I love choking people. You can choose on multiplayer to play a deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag and assualt. My favourite is capture the flag. I would rate the gameplay a 10 because it is good how you can wield a lightsaber and use force powers. The graphics 8 because they don't look bad at all and the sound 10 because it is the original star wars music as usual.