Another great 3dPS
User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC
Ja,that's a great game,especially when it has something with Star Wars...the story is very well told and the music is good...The gameplay is killing,but here comes the bad thing,there are not so many characters you can play with...and there no character speeches...the levels are well designed and the very best thing are the forces and choices coming from them...there are bonuses after the levels and when and one of the bonuses is the force point you'll can put your point on the dark or light side can put 3 force points on every skills,without neutral skills,they we'll be automaticlly puted after a chapter (every chapter has its 5 levels,if you want you can pass by some levels but you will not receive a force point)...the weapons are also great (they are the same from Jedi Outcast),but as the previous games you will use more the lightsaber and the forces...