Best Star Wars game to date
Jedi Academy continues the story from Jedi Outcast, now 3 years later. The player takes role of a promising Force Sensitive character that is on his/her way to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV to train under watch of legendary Kyle Katarn. I won't spoil the story further, but I just want to mention that the Rancor beast appears in JKA...
The player is able to create a character in the very beginning. Male characters can choose from Human, Rodian or Kel'Dor, while female ones can choose Human, Twi'lek or a Zabrak. There are a few different outfits specified by race and a few faces that player can choose from. Also, the player can create a lightsaber of his/her own choice that will be available to use from the first level! Guess that Raven hears their fans. When making the lightsaber, the player can choose from different colors and hilts. There are blue, green, yellow, orange and purple, and red for Multiplayer, but more on that later. You won't be tied to your first lightsaber to the end of the game though; you can also create a staff (Darth Maul alike) and dual sabers, which are both available later in the game. Or you can choose that good old single saber.
Done in Quake III Team Arena engine, JKA looks slightly better from its predecessor. Seeing that the graphics are nothing compared to today's games, don't let that spoil your enjoyment!
There are some new Force Powers in JKA. Force Sense can be used to reveal hidden objects, it detects enemies, ammo and weapons through walls and such. Dark Rage drains your health, and, while activated, your defense and attack abilities are much stronger. In JKA, player can choose a side; Dark or Light. Before you go on a mission (you choose which missions to accept from the given list), you can spend one point to upgrade your powers (Protect, Absorb, Heal and Mind Trick belong to the Light; Grip, Lightning, Drain and Dark Rage go to Dark, while Jump, Sense, Speed, Saber Throw, Push, Pull go to the Core list, and every character can use these, despite their Force orientation) and choose some weapons that you might use. Although you will use your lightsaber most of the time, you simply cannot deny that epic Concussion Rifle that made it's appearance in Dark Forces II and it's back in JKA. I'm telling you, where that gun hits, no grass will grow there and every enemy soldier will be blown away. Besides that, there is Laser Pistol that replaced Kyle's Baster, and every other firearm was seen in Jedi Outcast.
The locations are far more interesting in this sequel; Mos Eisley, Hoth's abandoned Echo Base, Byss, old Darth Vader's castle, Nal Hutta, Coruscant, Corellia, Korriban, just to name a few.
Enemies vary from Stormtroopers, Wampas, Sand People, AT-STs and there are a whole bunch of Sith guys in every level to fight with. Also, movie characters aren't excluded, as you will meet Chewie fixing the Millenium Falcon in Mos Eisley.
The Multiplayer is something this game was made for. Create your character, choose your lightsaber and powers, and find a server to begin your online domination! Even after all these years, servers are still populated. Game modes are Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Siege, Capture the Flag, Duel and Power Duel. The overall online experience can be enhanced with a tons of mods, skins and maps available on the net. Trust me, once you get in the hang of it, you won't let it go!
This game is a complete must for all Star Wars fans and fans of good old shooters and strong multiplayer action. It's cheap these days, so get it. I'm giving it a 10. I've finished it 10 times xD