Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (PC)

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC
Jedi Knight Jedi Academy starts you off right away with your lightsaber and some force abilities as oposed to Star Wars Jedi Outcast. The graphics for Jedi knight are pretty good for an older PC game, audio/sound effects are also great and suit the star wars world greatly. After you beat the fist 2 or 3 missions you prove your self worthy to become a jedi apprentice to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn. Almost right away in the game a "Deciple of Ragnos" named Alora hacked into Luke's personal files and to everything. So you mission takes you from one side of the galaxy to the other. Playing about a set of five missions about three times in this cycle until you are tempted by the dark side of the force. You can then choose to turn to evil or stay on the light side of the force. The game is greatly fun and a little less of a challenge than Jedi Outcast. If you don't already know this Jedi Academy is the game in the Jedi Knight Series the first three are Star Wars Jedi Outcast Jedi Knight II, Jedi Outcast Jedi Knight I, and the oldest in the series Star Wars Dark Forces. One of the few glitches in the game for PC is that it will sometimes do wierd things like after you exit the game it will do things that will freak you out (kind of).
I highly suggest you don't play this game on a computer that has Very importatnt files on it, been there, done that. other wise the game is terrific as far as older PC games go!! Another thing, this game has a multi-player and can take a Joystick or just plain mouse and keyboard.