If you can find this game for a cheap price,buy it.You will not be sorry.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC
Okay,this Star Wars game starts off like anyother, "A long time ago,in a galaxy far,far away.......".
You star by create you guy/girl.You can have human male,female,and other types.You can also create your lightsaber,from handle to blade color.The blade colors are: orange,yellow,purple,blue,and green.Later on in the game you can pick one saber,two,or the ultimate duble-blade saber.The game starts with a female alien stealing Luke Skywalkers records.You must save your friend Rosh who is stranded.You fight a few Howlers,savage beast whos howl can knock you down.You come across 2 Stormtroopers and a Cultist,the games newest saber-weilding dark Force users.After defeating them,you spot a few Sith with a septer,wich is pointed at you and blast you into oblivion.When you wake up,the sith are gone.
And thats only the first level.

Graphics: 8.6 out of 10
The graphics are pretty good,for a PC game.I was never a fan of PC games because of the graphics,but this changed everything! When you force choke,the red is around the oppents neck as well as your hand.Lightning looks awsome,just like from the movies.

Gameplay: 10 out of 10
The gameplay is great in this game.You can choose between first and third-person for the game,wich makes it even better.You can also pick up your oppents weapons,such as blaster rifle or EMP lanucher.

Storyline: 9.9 out of 10
The story is full of twist and turns,leaving you with the ultimate choice of the dark side or light.Sadly,that is at the end of the game.Also,if you pick the dark side,Jedi and Sith will be after you,so dont think it will come easy.

Replay value: 10 out of 10
This is great to replay,and with Knights of the Force mod,it is even better.You have to put in codes to get back to levels,and that can get a little hard writing down a wacky code like "map t1_sour".But it is well worth it.

Overall: 10 out of 10
I give this game 10 because it rocks! I wish I could say this is the future of games,but sadly I cant.The only other game like this is Jedi Outcast.If you can find this game for a cheap price,buy it.You will not be sorry.