If you're a fan (like me), at least rent it. If not, stray away from its repetitive stupidity.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy XBOX
As of now, this game is officially buyable for 10 bucks on Steam. If you are a fan of the series, I suggest getting the package, since it's all superb, except for this short, repetitive POS. I'm not saying I didn't like it, I'm basically seeing it from a critics point of view: Short missions without a single ounce of story (maybe a milliounce, at best), a sort of learning plateau rather than a curve, and all in all, bad. I only give it a 7.0 because I enjoyed it. Then again, I WAS much younger...

A good part is the multiplayer, better than Outcast, in my opinion. The Siege mode is TONS better then that POS Battlefront, mostly because the battling is a lot better in this series. The other stuff is only better if you're playing with friends.

All in all, it's better if you are able to buy the package and THROW THIS THE HELL IN YOUR RECYCLE BIN. Trust me, it's bad.