Better than it's predicessor.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC
When Star Wars: Dark Forces hit our shelves way back in the 1990's, it instantly became one of the most successful Star Wars games ever. Whilst I have only ever played Jedi Outcast and Academy, the series as a whole is one that everyone must aim to play at some point.

Jedi Academy lets you create your own character from a selection of races and costumes to begin life as a Padawan in the Yavin IV academy. From the offset we know there is something evil at work due to the fact that the shuttle taking you there mysteriously crashes in the forest for no apparent reason. Furthermore you find out that the Imperial Remnant (whats left of the Empire) is in the area. From that moment on you become the centre of a plot to rebuild the ancient Sith Empire with the seemingly inevitable ressurection of 'Marka Ragnos', the most powerful Sith Lord in history.

Gameplay: The controls of Jedi Academy is pretty much identical to those of its predicessors. One slight problem though is that almost all of the force powers have no key assigned to them and you have to do it yourself upon the attainment of these powers. The storyline of the game isn't nearly as gripping as it could be and is boring in places due to the fact that you can only begin said storyline once you have completed 4 out of 5 missions from each training tier in your progression as a Jedi. After each storyline mission there is yet another tier you must complete. The multiplayer aspect of the game has been significantly improved on since previous titles in the Jedi Knight series. Academy introduces even more classes and playing modes such as the new siege mode in which you must collect items of vital importance whilst progressing through a huge map in order to win. Whilst in later years the multiplayer aspect has begun to die off due to lack of interest and updates, you can find the odd server still running that will provide you with hours of fun.

Graphics: The graphics aren't exactly fantastic when you consider the same year Academy came out KOTOR came out also. They are almost identical to that of Outcast but nontheless, they do not detract from the overall feel of the game.

Sound: The game features almost all of the tracks from the original Star Wars trilogy. Lucasarts has managed to link all together in such a way that it climaxes in all of the right moments and really adds atmosphere and originality to the game.

Overall: Jedi Academy, whilst the boring tier missions can get repetitive from time to time, the storyline towards the end becomes as epic as the trilogy itself. Because of the above explanations and the aforementioned point, I believe the game is worth 9.0 .