Part two of the KOTOR series falls just short of the original but not far from. Well worth the time.

User Rating: 7.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords PC
Kotor II does not change anything in regards to the feel that you got from KOTOR. This game has the same look, feel, and play and for some that might be a reason to not play this game but I suspect for most it is a reason to rush to the store and buy. The good: The story in KOTOR II is great. It's story is huge and has a lot of detail in the characters. You get a different experience in this game depending on if you go Dark Side or Light Side more-so than KOTOR did. The ending when you go Dark Side is flat out painfully abrupt and openended while the ending to the Light Side is far more revealing and final. This makes for great conversation about the game and it's story which let's face it how many games actually cause dialog between friends on the things they were able to experience in the game that the other was not? Elder Scrolls comes to mind and not much else. You get a chance to make a lot more choices in the dialog in KOTOR II than in KOTOR. There are dialogs where you can have 6 or 7 choices and most have force allignment implications to them. Your party members can react differently to you during dialog if you go Ligh or Dark and it IS evident in the game not just in idea. Aside from just the story which is indepth you have the ability to train your party members to become Jedi. This makes for the potential to have multiple Jedi in your party at once which is very fun to play with. The party members interact with each other on the ship, almost every time you enter the Ebon Hawk you watch a scene between members of your crew and they change based on who you have on your ship. The bad: As mentioned above you do get some great story in KOTOR II however they fell short of the potential you clearly see when playing this game. There were no over-the-top great moments in the game as in KOTOR. I won't go into detail on them, play KOTOR I and you will know. The dialog has many instances where you can loop back to something you just went through 20 seconds earlier and this can be very annoying. The ending was vague even for the Light Side but not as bad as the Dark Side. The Dark Side ending is enough to make a gamer want to strangle the writer and whoever signed off on that ending. The combat system is one of the worst I have ever played and I have played more than the average gamer for sure. This combat system is riddled with bugs and the bugs are so bad they actually caused me anger and that's not a good thing for a game to do. My party members often forgot their assignments, would ignore orders and charge into combat often times charging into combat and just stand there for the whole fight doing nothing, the pathing was horrendous as they got stuck many times, you'd give them 3 things to do in their qeueu and they'd just stand there until you changed from controlling your character to the one just standing there then suddenly they'd start playing out their queue. This was so annoying. The fights were incredibly easy on Normal mode. Mr Clown Face was about the easiest battle I ever had in a STAR WARS game. I was very dissapointed in the "bosses" in KOTOR II. The only challenge in the entire game was the final battle which you could use the games piss poor battle AI to defeat. The graphics are a a considerable let down. Not only are they below average for today's games but the game is often sluggish. If you encounter smoke in this game run if you can because it will cause you more problems than any of the bosses. All in all the game is saved by it's volume of story. There are may different takes on the game based on who you bring with you in your party and so on. The game is a definatly "must play again" which set's it apart from just about every other RPG out there. The bugs kill a lot of the enjoyment in this title and Obsidian better invest in some Q&A before releasing another game like this.