The sequel to one of the best RPG on Xbox

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
The sequel is here with Obsidian taking on the role of developer instead of Bioware, no small feat. But with little changes made to the game and zero innovation, Obsidian settled for a 'if it aint broke dont fix it' approach.
The gameplay is nearly identical to the first one, you begin a brokn Jedi and slowly reconnect your link with the force. However, there is oe obvious gameplay addition, and this is the idea of influencing your teammates. Depending on their personalities, different things you say will ause them to be influenced towards or away from your force alignment, allowing you eventually to make certain characters in the game to become Jedi like yourself. Apart from this the game is identical to the first one in terms of action and dialog, which is no bad thing.
As far as graphics go, it is just as bad as the first one in terms of models and cut-scene animation, but just as good as the first one in terms of lightsaber effects and environmental atmosphere.
I could also just put a ditto here instead of words, seeing as the sound reflects the graphical quality respectivley.
In the same way as everything else, the games value respects that of the old one. It is long enough to keep the casual gamer occupied for quite a while, but only enough to draw the attention of a more dedicated gamer for around 18-20 hours. Whilst the story line is rich in quality and mystery, massive chunks have been taken out of sub-quests and a couple of important plot dialog has been left out which would give a wider idea of the storyline.
Overall, this game is one of quality, but not by its own merit. It is KOTOR I with extra bits around the edges with only a couple of new and innovative ideas that keep the user mildly addicted and entertained for a few playthroughs, but nothing more.