A Game that is worth playing non-stop.

User Rating: 8.7 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
A game with all sorts of things to do have always attracted my attention. Knights of the old republic II is the same as the first except its slightly better in most parts if not a little bit shorter there are ways you can still enjoy the game without finding anything to worry about besides some of the worlds may seem destroyed leaving everything around you deserted in a fashion sence that might bore you to death. Knights Of The Old Republic has its ups and downs, the good part is you have more options to choose from, new characters to meet and play with along the way of your journey through the galaxy. Don't expect to see Darth Vador here but there is a boss in the game who looks somewhat like him (the guy on the front case with the mask). Games with freedom are always the best and thats what this game is all about "freedom." Make your decisions and other characters might follow or betray you (they wont leave your party) but they wont be pleased with some of your options like if you choose to murder someone or help them one character might admire you for it and another might disapprove and expect pure hatred out of your soul. Its a whole new game with different things you can do, although the first one is better because the worlds are fun and lively in part II everything is dead or destroyed as I have all ready mentioned. The combat system still plays exacally the same with a few new features. You also get two or three new light saber colors to pick and the robes are better looking except you can't get one with a hood (how dissappointing). You still travel through the same worlds, they are run down and taken over by evil forces which means more action! This time every character can become good, evil, or even nuetral. For every conversation you get in or secrete you discover in the game you get new conversation scenes depending on your force abilities. The voice acting is well done and people who say American actors are no good compared to Japanese actors are very wrong about that. It depends on the type of games you play. All RPG games have bad voice acting with people who talk like stupid 6 year old kids. But not Knights of the old republic II, you have real voice actors that get the job done making you want to play the game more than once or twice just to hear all the great dialog through out the game. You can find all types of ways to play the game differently! This is a great game to have if you own the first one or have played it before. Someday it might end up being one of those "rare titles" on ebay that cost up to a fortune. Let the hate flow through you. Or the light which ever choice you make. The force will either serve you or be with you.