If you like RPG's or just about anything to do with star wars, then you'll love kights of the old republic 2.
You are a jedi knight, one of last apparently. You're on a ship that is about to blow up in any second soon. And the only thing that can save you is a small utility droid. Well thats the beginning of your journey, andit is truly fantastic, but it gets even better from there.
KOTOR 2's gameplay runs smoothly without a hint of a bug or glitch. The fighting mechanics consist up of tactical battling, that the computer does for you. But don't be put off by that, just think final fantasy tactics.
Like I said, knights of the old republic 2 is an RPG. So you get all the usual RPG perks like creating your character, making your own choices, choosing whether to be good or bad, and weapon customization. Basicaly the game world revolves around you.
Graphics and audio: KOTOR 2's graphics are reasonably good for a pc game, and even better with a good graphics card. Creatures and environments are well detailed, and foiliage and trees are lush and realistic. Audio in the game, is again only acceptable, but the lightsabers sound realistic.
But most of all in kotor 2, your going to have fun, whether your slicing the heck out of a rancor, or persuading darth sion to darth (yes you heard me, persuading). I'm giving this game a 9.5 out of 10.