this game is ok but not like omg its soo awsome and has awsome graphics u ppl are crazy!

User Rating: 7.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords PC
ok to start off the graphics in this game are garbage. battles have no reactions to enviornemnts and yeah u get the idea. Next is like the bttling stuff thats soo boring wacthing your character take turns shooting with a droid and miss half the time that ridiculous! Also the game is soooo slow paced its not like guild wars or WOW where there is more action this game just isnt that fun then only thing i could say good about this game is that u have a variety of things to do whther u shoot up som ppl with ur guns or get your light saber and slice some guys up but you can basically do that in any rpg so its not a big deal in other word this game is ok....