So much potential and all the reasons in the world to be great. They **** up at the wrong place, the rest is great...
After KOTOR, everything could be expected from KOTOR 2. Either totaly addictive and best game of the year, or totaly disapointing... Well it's neither of these. Graphics are better, gameplay's still pretty cool. Sure it's harder to **** up what you did right in the first place but they did that too as well...
You see they added new stuff, great stuff, but they failed at what they had most brillantly done in the first game, which is the storyline. Some may talk about technical issues, I won't... (check why under) some may say it was just like the first one, it’s just an expansion some might tell you... Well, why change something you did great??
(Simple enough, for me it's not because a game is a little buggy that it sucks... I played Golden Eye on N64 for hundreds of hours, still all you had to do is run up to the guy so you would walk throught his gun, having the cannon behind you, and you wouldnt get hurt... My point is, it was still a fun game, a very fun game...)
Sure the game is great, sure ok the devellopers confessed they had to cut up stuff. But any player that tried the first and second games can tell you... You just feel so angry and disoriented when you realize they cut what could have been a couple hours of storyline to break it into a fast forward... No ok let me rephrase, they just cut up a part of the story so now we are left with the last quarter of the game that is disconnected from the rest of the story, almost pointless and totally frustrating. I mean it just sucks, you play for 10 hours (less or even more) running around (maybe a bit too much) having so much fun twisting or enlighting your characters to make them more like you, killing stuff, i mean having a great time with the force, in a great universe which is the Star Wars universe and Kotor universe... And then, the crappy end.... at least if they gave us an explanation why we jump in time from a place to another but no, they don't...
Well anyway, i loved the game, actually i played a lot with it... But it always brought me to my knees, seeing a game with so much potential making me so mad for the wrong reasons. It'has just one crack, one single crack in a gorgeous picture, but it's just as huge as a canyon so how can I go over it?? Great game, just find something to gets you high enough when you get to that damned spaced station to forget it makes no sense.
Otherwise i mean it's a KOTOR game, sure it has the benefit of using a great universe which is Star Wars, but it is a load of fun for something that is not called Final Fantasy or Baldur's Gate or any other big RPG franchise name. It has the advantage of dissapointing you either a little or a lot but still making you beg for more....
Guilty pleasure, so fun but so dissapointing...