Obsidian did a fantastic job on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, The Sith Lords. Staying true to the second instalment of any Star Wars trilogy, Obsidian left it a cliff hanger, and what a hang it was. I know a lot of Star Wars fans were disappointed with the way Obsidian left this game to end, but for me it was perfect. After I finished playing through the game for the first time (and many more after that.) I couldn't help but wonder what happens next in this story and I think thats what Lucas Arts wanted with this game. There is no way that any true self respecting KOTOR fan could not rush out and buy the third instalment after what has transpired in the previous two games. All in all I was greatly impressed with The Sith Lords. The enhancements in the graphics and the depth in game play only made the experience even better. With the more detailed workbenches, the influence system and the ability to chose a second class half way through were all great for the game. Now you must be thinking, "wow! ths game must be perfect." the way I've been talking so highly of The Sith Lords. However there were some drawbacks. The characters in TSL don't have near the depth of the ones in the first installment, and the story is harder to get into, you needed to wait for the story to get good before you could actually get excited about what would happen next. Also I found that a story with just you (the exile) and your companions, doing your thing to not be as enjoyable as choosing the outcome of a war. You could still choose which path you took, but the paths didn't really stray away from each other throughout. There were only a few differences between the two stories. Another problem would be the lack of "relationship", like in KOTOR 1, where Revan and Bastila or Revan and Carth could fall in love. That only added depth and more possibility to the story which is always welcome. The final problem I had was with a particular character, he goes by the name of Darth Nihilus, this character lacked a lot and seemed very last minuet unlike Atton Rand who actually was last minuet and seemed to be one of the most detailed. But anyway, From Nihilus' lack of involvement to his lame voice, I was greatly disappointed. I mean he was one of the best looking Star Wars characters ever in my opinion and he didn't live up to it. I thought he would have a huge involvment. seeing as he is the biggest thing on the cover of the game. Not only all that, but he was way too easy to defeat. Just about the only positives about Darth Nihilus would be his looks and his name, which derives from the word Nihilism, which I found to be interesting. So all in all Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, The Sith Lords is a great game, with great replay value. But don't buy this game if you're looking for an ending that will leave you satisfied, because the ending of KOTOR 2 will leave you wanting more, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. So if for nothing else, buy this game so that you can turn everyone around you to the darkside and conquer the galaxy, or show everyone the way of the light and defeat the darkness, the choice is up to you.
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Modern RPGs are driven by gripping stories and apparently a lot of voice acting. The story has no twists to it or surprises. KOTOR had a twist ending that could surprise most people. It also seems like Obsidian or Biowar... Read Full Review
By Kool_Mo_Dee1 | Review Date: Jun 27, 2006 | XBOX
Really, this game is that good. I'd have to say its the best RPG game I have ever played. It is great because you can stick to the basics of Star Wars with all of the lightsabers and blasters and what ever else, but have... Read Full Review