Same as the original , Still great.

User Rating: 8.3 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
It's review time ! Kids .
( Ignore the word "KID" , but not the "S" , S is cool , KID is not.)

Now , Im gonna review a game , which is a sequel
2003's Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic .
Which got a 9.1 rating on gamespot ( People , im referring to the "XBOX" version .)

-Start of Review-

Story : Oh great , although i don't really know whats the story about ( Blame me for not finishing KoTOR) At least i know theres something to do with Jedis.
So i'll give it a plain , 8/10 .

Gameplay : Some people might hate the gameplay , but not me !
This pwnz0rz ,It gives me a special feeling ( Note : Only I , Keyboard can say the word pwnz0rz , anyone who says that word .. will.. fart. Okay , on with the review , my people !) A total of 9/10

Graphics : Same as the prequel , but still great . 7/10

Sound : Okay.. just okay. But the voice-acting is better than any videogames i know . So'll give it a 8/10

Replay Value : Oh boy , i don't know why i added this in , but heck , its part of da' review , plenty . Both lightside & Darkside / genders = 4 Replays .
Hurray for replay! 9/10

Overall - The finale ! 8/10 , Still this game is full of glitches , and some cut-out parts due to Christmas release , or whatever .

-End Of Review-

Bye Kids . ( I know , again with the "KID" :)