Despite essentially being a clone of its predecessor, KOTOR II still satisfies fans of the original on most fronts.
...Or, at least, I wish that was true. The truth is, KOTOR II is really nothing more than an extension to the first game, though, honestly, it doesn't boast as good or involving a story, nor is it as perfectly paced.
The graphic and other hitches (including the dastardly framerate problems) are still there--the similar faces and voices also present. The interface has been given a minor skin change, and a few new force powers and feats have been added to up the RPG initiative of the game, but honestly, this doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.
While the story is still very interesting and well-played, it never quite reaches the heights of the first game. The combat is exactly the same, which is good in its own right, but may be disappointing for some players.
One interesting thing to note is that the game, at least in my experience, is substantially longer, taking me usually around 60 hours to complete as opposed to the first game's 30 - 40 hours per playthrough.
The score is just as good as last time around, and the overall content of the story is a bit darker. This one, honestly, may actually be even more atmospherically driven than the first, which is something it has going for it.
Despite the fact that it's not much new besides a few smaller features (and the best new feature: the ability to directly sway allies to the dark or light side), if you're looking at this game at all, it's very likely because you're a fan of the original, and if this is the case, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't pick this one up.
It might not be quite as original and groundbreaking as the first was when it was released, but it is still immensely satisfying, and immensely KOTOR in style, and thus, any fan of the original owes it to themselves to pick this one up and give a few playthroughs.