I recently played star wars knights of the old republic 2 the sith lords. It is an exellent rpg. First Im going to let the bad stuff out first. First of all the graphics arent very good even for late 2004 and the framerate will sometimes drop below 20 fps even on the best machines out there with duel core proccesers and 8800s. This doesnt keep it from being a great game though. First of all the story is twice as good as in the first game and the amount of weapons, armor and accesories have hundreds of more items than in the first game that still had probably about a thousand. The combat system in the game is mixed between an action rpg and a total turn based one. You have a bunch of attacks that you choose from instead of just clicking on the enemy and watching the same animation over and over again. This means that the combat requires a little more thinking than most rpgs out on the market. The main storyline will take 30-40 hours to complete with about 10-15 hours of sidequests and stuff bringing the grand total to about 50-60 hours. Personally I played for 51 hours. You can choose to be either bad or good by dooing either bad or good things. Ther is a little bit of custimization but not much more than choosing a face out of a list of about 20 faces for both genders. thiis is a great take take on the star wars universe and rpgs with a few echnical deifficulties but not enough to ruin the overall outstanding expieriacne.
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Modern RPGs are driven by gripping stories and apparently a lot of voice acting. The story has no twists to it or surprises. KOTOR had a twist ending that could surprise most people. It also seems like Obsidian or Biowar... Read Full Review
By Kool_Mo_Dee1 | Review Date: Jun 27, 2006 | XBOX
Really, this game is that good. I'd have to say its the best RPG game I have ever played. It is great because you can stick to the basics of Star Wars with all of the lightsabers and blasters and what ever else, but have... Read Full Review