Has what many RPG's are missing...fun combat mixed with great PC/NPC interaction.

User Rating: 8.3 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords PC
Fun combat, not too linear, 2 things that most RPG's these days seem to butcher. The best part about this game is that your actions are a huge part of how the game plays out, both in terms of how the other people in your group of adventurers interact, but in the development of the main character themself. The ruder, meaner, and more vicious you are, the stronger your dark side powers will be, and vise versa. I think this is great, because you don't necessarily have to be "good" or "evil". you can be more one than the other, or somewhere in between, and the story will play out differently because your companions will act differently, and people you meet will treat you differently. Customizing weapons and armor is cool for 2 reasons: its just plain fun to do, plus it makes combat itself more interesting (for example, you might construct an orange-colored light saber that does extra damage to droids).

Another cool thing about this game, is the fact that the story behind the game is very cool. Not only that, but you learn things about yourself as you move through the game, as well as some things about your companions. I thought this was kind of unique, and added quite a bit to the story, because you are learning about the backgrounds and history of not just the main character, but the supporting cast as well. It would basically be like if in Star Wars, the movies had some background or history behind C3PO or chewbacca. It adds quite a bit of depth to the story.

Overall, its definitely worth the $$$. I am a big RPG fan, and, I will confess, normally not a fan of the sci-fi genre at any capacity. I have always leaned towards the fantasy realm, but this game got such good reviews, I figured I would try it, and I'm glad I did. It has the kind of depth both in combat and character development, that makes it one of those rare games that is constantly entertaining you. Many RPG's tend to be fun for awhile, then boring for awhile, but this is not one of those games. Whether you are a sci fi fan or RPG fan or not, get this game. I think even people that are not typically RPG or sci fi fans will enjoy this game.