The Sith Lords is an interesting sequel with a new story twist in it's sleeves and a lot more

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords PC
Game Play: 9/10
Graphics: 8.5/10
Story: 10/10
Sound: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

Game Play:

The Sith Lords is pretty much the same in terms of game play, as KOTOR I was. You pause the game when an enemy is faced, choose the action you want to use and defeat the enemy. Before all those crazy moves can be done, the game wants you to create a character. There are three classes total (Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Consular). You can be both female or male so the choice is yours. When I played the first time I chose the Sentinel because he is most balanced in terms of Force and Combat. Choose the character's Portrait and his name, then start playing. Also the party members are different. First there is a teacher, who teaches you the connection of the Force(Beware of her), a Handmaiden (woman, who knows combat well), a slick talking spaceman named Atton (he pilots the famous Ebon Hawk) and many more. Most of the characters, with high influence can be turned into Jedi Knights or Sith.

My favorite game play part are the choices players can make. But beware, each of your action will bring you a result. The Dark Side is the evil part of the game and the Light Side the good one.
Some example of choices:
Light Side - A man believes he has a terrible disease, heal him.
Dark Side - There is a man abused by two mercenaries, don't show no interest in helping him.

The Player's character gains experience, you gain certain amount, then you get a level. By this you can upgrade several skills. Make force powers more effective, improve Persuade or Force Persuade, upgrade new Feats such as Armor, better weapon accuracy and more.

Game's missions are called Quests and believe there are many of them. Each planet has it's own set of main quests and side quests what you can do. Quests are quite easy and aren't difficult even for the new players.

Your Party members have a important role in the character's improvement. When you take Dark side way, they follow you. I reccomend getting High Influence with all of them. Most can be Jedi, but everyone has a special story behind them. So talk to them anytime when you have the chance. They will aid you always and their influence increases by certain deeds, some of them love the Dark Side.

In the games weapon side is really good. You have the basic Jedi Lightsaber, my favorite weapon in the whole. I suggest using melee weapons because they are more effective. Give plasters to you Party Members. You also have various outfits, some you can buy or kill enemies and get their stuff.

Since I like to talk much about Lightsabers, I write a little bit more. Lightsabers have many colors (Silver, green, blue, yellow, red and so on). Colors are crystals, which go inside Lightsabers and gives them the desired color. Other instruments gives damage bonus, Lightsaber length, Lightsaber accuracy. Lightsaber are divided into three types, you can hold different Lightsabers in two hands or a Staffsaber. Also beware you're enemies have lightsabers too and they don't hesitate to use them. In the game you also face many Sith Lords. Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Malak(hologram from the past) and the last Sith Lord is up to you to discover.


Graphics in the game were great in 2005, but they're still nice in my eyes. Character details look good and the environments even better. Lightsaber lightning is an great effect too. Characters lip sync was well in place.


It's practically the strongest part of the KOTOR saga. This time you're in the shoes of an Exile (a Jedi, who is kicked out from the council and the connection to the Force is cut away). You meet a woman named Kreia, who helps you throughout the game and helps restore the connection to the Force. Planets you visit are Dantooine (home of the Jedi), Korriban (Sith Lords planet) and many more. The story has many twist and turns, I suggest to reveal all the party members pasts, it's really interesting, even I didn't get all of their history.


On the audio side the game just rocks. The good old Star Wars themes are there, John Williams rules. Characters have excellent voice over and they performed really well. Blaster sounds, Lightsabers, its all very realistic.


I played the game on my laptop, what had Intel card and the game ran well with the recent patches. I love it from top to bottom and I still enjoy it. It's meant for all SW fans or just for players looking for a good time. I hope you like my review.