Kotor I was amazing, Kotor II built on that!

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
Usually game sequels that follow up an outstanding game are a real let down, but that is the oppisite with KOTOR II. In KOTOR II Lucas Arts left the core engine of the game alone and built around that instead of trying to re-create the sequel. The only reason I would not rate this game a perfect 10 is the ending is pretty shallow. It's very abrupt and comes out of almost nowhere. Also one thing this game improved on from KOTOR I is that as far as I played I could not find that there was an end to how much you could improve your skills. I was dissapointed in KOTOR I when I reached a cap as to how much I could improve my character there were a lot of different powers and skills I wanted to add and upgrade and could only go so far. If you still are playing the old xbox this is deffinatley worth checking out. I really have my hopes up for a 3rd installment on the 360