Good But Doesn't Meet Expectations.

User Rating: 9.3 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords XBOX
Good... Evil... Role playing. I have never experienced anything like the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series. So much passion is placed into it. You play Exile an banished Jedi who has "fallen". I wish not to spoil it for you so I'll leave it at that. Through out this game you will be guided by Kreia your mentor of the force, and along her will be a whole party of people at your disposal. Each can be influenced some can be so influenced that they will be able to force users.
If you are a rpg fan than your hours are well spent and this game is so addictive that you will be finding new ways to dispose waste and eat at the same time. But in all seriousness this game has its flaws. The story line was fine but could have used more. I would have appreciated some more back story for each character. Instead you're stuck with only wondering what could have been other than knowing how interesting that individual is.
The difference between this and the first one was that the first one had a very interesting back story. Knights of the Old Republic II does not have as much going on for it than the first. But they do give you more light saber colours and you can use shorter - yes shorter- light sabers!
Knights of the Old Republic II is worth every penny you have. Forget that you even have a family because you'll be wanting to find out what makes your partners tick, how to keep your influence with this character but still keep your influence with the other, exploring the mysteries that lie inside a cave, or other places. Deciding whether to follow the path of a Jedi... or Sith.
What disturbs about this is that it isn't as long or epic as Kotor 1 but still is able to keep the feel of it. I also love the villains you encounter in Kotor II and to learn about them.
Choose a wide variety of clothing and weapons. And always keep medpacs on you or you will die unless you're able to use Heal. And remember to talk to your team mates in order to gain new ability for yourself and them.
Now you just read Kotor II in a nutshell and you should stop reading this and buy it or else you'll probably just end up playing a lame rpg or playing a boring board game.