My two cents on a game that is not quite what it could have been. It fell short on so many levels. Few spoilers.
Speaking of endings, the ending was too predictable and none of the bosses had an epic feel to them. They werent imposing enemies because there were three of them! The guy on the cover was a weakling. After hearing about how strong he is and how he would crush me and devour planets, I kill him in two minutes. The endless supply of Sith were just as bad. See them and spam force storm. Repeat. Cutting that HK factory mission made HK-47 nearly pointless. He didnt do much and that is a shame. I really enjoyed his character in the first game. Jolee Bindo was also a great character. Even if I didnt use them, they were fun to have. And Carth appeared early on after Telos. Then one of his men spotted me a planet or two later, right before I had to quickly go to Korriban and then double back to Onderon. (where I was spotted) That was it. That wasn't necessary. Make these cutscenes important if you include them. HK-47 gets zapped because he realizes that the hyperdrive was tampered with. Nothing comes of that. We know who did it and HK says he could unlock it, but nothing is done. Pointless cutscene. Same goes for the recording of Bastila. I also didnt like how the story was told. For instance, I think that Atris' name appeared in a dialogue selection before the player had even heard of her. I beat KOTOR but I still felt like I didnt know some stuff. Characters acted like you were the exile, they talked about things that you never heard about. Names, places and events kept appearing in dialogue before they were introduced to you.
Wrap up: The sound seemed to disappear from time to time. And when it was there, it was mediocre. Props for the classic Star Wars sound effects. All of the VA, which is a lot, was done very well. Graphically, I had no issue with it despite playing it on my 360. The turn based/real time blend isnt bad but the combat itself was repetitive. I like real time more so I had no problem with it. No random encounters to complain about. The light powers werent any good and I ended up using dark powers a lot. The penalty made no difference at all. One playthrough will probably be it. Two tops if you want to try both the light and dark side. Other than that, the sequel just needs more character animations and better combat.
Late review, but I finally rented it. Good game, but not what it should have been.