Wow! in one word i summed up the whole game. you start off and from then on you can choose to be good or evil. i try to be good, but who can resist calling little girls bratty, threatening a business owner to get what you want, or killing inocent people for pleasure. I have played this game for 10 hours and im only 1\4 done with it. the lightsabers are incredible! this whole game is chock full of everything you need to make a movie better than the phantom menace and clone wars combined! as you can probably tell this game is set to be old, actually i can see some planets quite like earth in a couple thousand years. anyway, duels, hangings, and a good old time youll find in star wars knights of the old republic!
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
"Star Wars" games are extremely hit and miss. More often than not, I am extremely disappointed at any given "Star Wars" themed game, whether it be due to awkward gameplay ("Bounty Hunter"), ... Read Full Review
This is a quite surprising and unique RPG! all you gamers out there have got to play, its fun, exciting and highly addictive!..even if your not into RPGs it doesn't matter! because i think after you have played this ... Read Full Review