a grat game with awsome graphics ()_() ('_") (^)^) bunney
User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
this gmae dose gettiering at points because you fight the same person over and over at points in the game but the good side is the selection of gear that you get in the gmae lie a dobble bladded lightsaber a vibrobald frag granades.the advunter is a wide experince.its a big experience but the bad part is its the same enemy over and over and........ well over. this game gets anoying some times because you can get killed fast unless you have alot of helth. you can get board fast so i sugest barrowing it frome a friend or renting it to see for your own eyes.if ou like it then buy it.but i suggest to see befor you buy it i kinda made that misstake.a word of advice dont get it just because it lookes good actuly see some reviews then barrow it then buy it if you like it.i actuly liked it for a year but this game is kinda hard so i igot board heres a bunney..........................................................................................