But rest assured, KOTOR is Star Wars through and through. The villains are as wonderfully realised as any we’ve come to expect from a galaxy far, far away. You will grow emotionally attached to your party members and will want to see each one’s story arc resolved during the course of the game. Of course this wouldn’t be Star Wars if there wasn’t a big reveal later on in the game which will have you leaping for the nearest weather vane and trust me, that’s taken care of too.
This was the first RPG I had ever played and the fact that it won me over so wholeheartedly is a testament to this game and it’s story. You play a character suffering from memory loss whose job is to protect a female Jedi who holds the key to defeating a Sith Army that is waging a war against the Republic. Along the way you will encounter many characters, both good and bad. Some of these characters will be joining you on your travels, others you will be running from. You will visit several planets including Tatooine and the Sith home world of Korriban as well as some new locations, all in the comfort of your very own ship.
All the key Star Wars elements are here; Jedi, lightsabres, quibbling droids, Wookies, bounty hunters. The list goes on. The game even adds extra layers of depth to these and other concepts previously only touched upon in the films; the Sand People, Mandalorians, even the Force itself. All are explored in greater detail that only enhances our enjoyment of the Star Wars universe.
This game simply should not be missed and although it will take up many hours of your time, it is time that you will greatly enjoy.