As for a good vintage wine, time has been good with KOTOR. I have come to play and appreciate this game... A lot!

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
I have just edited and deleted my old negative review of this game, written three years ago. At the time, I rated KOTOR as low as 5.8. Mainly because of its consolish feeling, the rigid inventory system, and the story I found quite childish (ain't Star Wars a tale for children, anyway ?). And I was probably disappointed because I was expecting something else, like a Star Wars version of Baldur's Gate.

Today I have come to appreciate this game very, very much. Like a good vintage wine, time has been good for this delicately crafted game. Knights of the Old Republic, as you certainly already know, is one of the best RPG ever made for a computer. Period.

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