this is one of the best free play rgs out thier. topped only by oblivion. you dont need to be a star wars fan to enjoy

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
ok so this game is great, although i havnt actually beaten it cause my disk broke and when i bought it on the pc it isnt vista compatable.... but i got threw 6 planets anyway....

this game features 7 different massive planets of which you can explore. a great story with many side quests along the way. although when you reach certain points in the story you lose many side quests you could of done.

on of the major things that makes this game stand out(other then the time it came out) is the way you control whether you go to the light side or the dark side. this changes your powers, abilities and the way other people see you.

this game has certain side games like a arena, bounty hunting, hunting, pzaak(star wars poker) and others. you have you own star ship the ebon hawk. you make your own party out of 9 different charectors including droids, wookies and twi'liks, lol i dunno how to spell star wars stuff.

the games lead director guy also was lead director guy for mass effect which came out recently. it was made by bio ware along with games like jade empire and of course mass effect.

i recomend this to anyone who plays, scifi, freeplay rpgs.