Okay, the most hyperbolic and cliche titles ever for a review. But honestly I can't describe it any better. Growing up as a passing Star Wars fan... I totally didn't see myself getting engulfed by this monster of a game. When people talk about emersion and like atmosphere? This game is it. A non-linear story-line, and a choose your own destiny type of game done to the fullest.
The characters are so memorable... some for the wrong reasons.. (You know which ones...) But memorable non-the-less. HK47 may be one of the greatest creations in gaming history. Bastilla had one of the most amoress dialogue I remember.
I can't really say enough about this game. It hit so many things right and so little wrong. I can't wait for number 3. A game that totally transcends the liscence that it was based off of.
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"Star Wars" games are extremely hit and miss. More often than not, I am extremely disappointed at any given "Star Wars" themed game, whether it be due to awkward gameplay ("Bounty Hunter"), ... Read Full Review
This is a quite surprising and unique RPG! all you gamers out there have got to play, its fun, exciting and highly addictive!..even if your not into RPGs it doesn't matter! because i think after you have played this ... Read Full Review