very good

User Rating: 9.1 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
I have never really enjoyed the real time strategy games, and I recieved this one as a gift, wonderful thought by my loving fiancee, but I tried it anyway. To my suprise, it was a really good game. I have to admit I did not expect it to be near as good as it was. I enjoyed the non-linear way of working through each of the planets, making it so that you didn't have to follow the exact story line. For the most part the story was a bit unpredictable, unlilke most games. I enjoy that you do have control over what powers and things you take on, although it seems sometimes like there is just too much. I do enjoy the use of the three characters at a time, and I definitely used some more than others, which makes for a better team of fighters. Really good game with a good final battle. I enjoyed it.