A Star Wars game that were you choose your path between light or dark, this is a buy that is the best Star wars game of

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
There's allot of thing I can talk about knights of the old republic is that it is one of the best game on the xb-ox were you can choose a path between the light side or the dark side and the game have a very good storyline that even surprise me that it take place a couple of thousand of years before the rise of the empire. The game let you start off with 3 class that you can choose at the start off the game, but later on you get to be trained as a Jedi were you have to choose between 3 class again that is exactly the same at the start of the game with only were you have the ability to use a light-saber, as you press forward through the game, the story unfolded itself as you learn the truth of what happen to cause the Jedi civil war and what really happen to Darth Revan as you try to stop his apprentice how became the Dark Lord of the sith none as Darth Malak. You could customize you statues to what ever you like to upgrade as you earn experience through the game of advancing plot or defeating your enemies and you could choose up between 9 party member to help you but you can only choose 2 that each hve their own special ability and you get your very own ship later on in the game. Overall, the game graphic is pretty sloppy that need to be improve with games to date and this is a must buy to anyone who is a Star Wars fan or just a fan of RPG.