It might be old but definitely worths a shot
User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
I played this game after a few years of its release then I loved it. I still play it every now and then and its so enjoyable. Never regret the time I spend on it. This one and Kotor 2 are two of the best RPG games I have ever played. Although it has a turn based combat system you can still feel the action. I generally like Star Wars and stuff related to it so this game was also very attractive for me because of that too but even if you are not a big fan of Star Wars if you like to play RPG and would like to shape your character in a game in the way you want then Kotor 1 and 2 are the game you should play. Even if you haven't played them already I still strongly recommend you to try them. They might be a little old but graphics certainly do not disturb you and it is still certainly possible to enjoy these games