This is an amazing game that fully utilizes the potential of the Star Wars universe and adds its own spin to the mythos
The gameplay was interesting and somewhat new to me at the time; I remember feeling a bit awkward with using the "under the hood" turn based system of fighting at first, but it wasn't long until I warmed up to it and enjoyed the skill progression of the game. A definite highlight of the gameplay is of course the force powers such as force choke and light saber throw; they really give a sense that the amnesiac protagonist has incredible power as you level up. I actually had some fun with the card game included in the game as well.
The music and sound of the game is of course a highlight as well, with many signature elements of the Star Wars score being used along with new pieces of music to give the game a new, yet familiar feel.
The story is what really got me into the game. Steadily building throughout the exploration of the diverse worlds at your disposal, the moment that really stands out is the cut-scene in which Darth Revan is shown removing his/her mask to reveal the face of your character. It was such an amazing twist that to this day I can still see the image in my head, even though it has been about 4 years. The game makes great use of conversation trees, with compelling writing that really gives weight to whatever choice you select, whether it be the "light" or "dark" option(s). Your choices shape the story in such a way that characters interact with you based on where you fall on the spectrum of good/evil. Then there are of course the selections that are simply hilarious, such as a moment when you are accosted by thugs who threaten to harm you. Thanks to the convenience of force persuade, you can tell the thugs to give you all their money and then jump off a cliff to their own oblivion. Despite the fact that my character was staunchly light-sided, I could not resist selecting the option.
The game is not without its faults; there are little technical issues such as frame-rate drops throughout the game. Difficulty seems to ramp up frustratingly during the final battle (although this is likely a subjective thing), and there are a relatively small number of NPC faces in the game, with some NPCs' low-quality textures sticking out like sore thumbs, which can be annoying. However these issues are easy to overlook with the awesome story that is presented. This game is certainly the most compelling Star Wars game yet released, and one of the best RPGs I have ever played.