One of THE greatest RPGs of all time.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
Lucas Arts has done a fantastic job with this title. Set over thousands of years before star wars episode I, this game brings you to the very heart and soul of the galaxy you never knew about. The storyline is amazing, You start out as a simple person trying to get his way around the universe but get caught in a Jedi war ready to commence between the Sith and the Republic. You meet companions along the way to the path of becoming a Jedi, and you chose your path with two alternative endings, Sith or Jedi. This game is a must-have for any RPG player, it is simple that great. You have to try this game for yourself, the greatness of it is too much to put into simple words. I still play this game to this very day on my 360.