This is probably one of the best games I have ever played. It has a great story with lot's of plot twists.
The art style is great, but the technical side of the graphics aren't quite as good, sometimes (maybe 1 in 15) when you start a new game your head will not show up or will be discolored. Some of the animations aren't exactly the best you have ever seen. A good example would be when you are doing one of your first Jedi quests (No spoilers there, of course you become a jedi) there is one creatures on a cliff (they are kind of like a wolf, you will see if you buy this game and play it) that starts howling at you it's head just starts bobing up and down, it doesn't look like he is howling, but then, some of the animations are okay.
So I guess that I have mixed feelings about the graphics, some parts are good, but others are bad (not terribly bad though, you wont notice it on you first time through)
The audio is great, unless you are playing on an Xbox 360, if you are playing on an Xbox 360 it might stop playing the combat sounds and you wil have to start the game up again, I don't know if this is just mine or if it is all of them, so it's not proven, but that shouldn't stop you from buying this masterpiece.
Okay, now that we have the bad things out of the way we can talk about the good things.
Especially the story (Note that this might contain some minor spoilers to some people, so skip this part if you don't want to know ANYTHING about the story)
Very important: This takes place 4,000 years before the movies, there are still lightsabers, but there are also swords and things like that, more people wear armor than in the movies, and there are many different ships (no TIE-Fighters) and the characters are different, but some of them are a bit like the ones in the movies, your characters ship looks and acts like the Millenium Falcon, so there are many different things and they will be talked about below.
Okay, you start out in a ship that is under attack by the Sith, but not the kind of sith that you think, these Sith are not Jedi, they are like ancient stormtroopers, and there are also Dark Jedi, and there are more than an apprentice and a master, they are like a following of the main apprentice and master. So yeah, you are under attack and you can't remember who you are then you fight sith throughout the ship and see some lightsaber fights and then you meet up with a guy named Carth (He is one of the Republics best soldiers). He tells you to get in an escape pod and you get taken to the planet below, the escape pod crashes and you get knocked unconsious and then you wake up and he says he drug you away from the crash site and that you have to find a Jedi named Bastila because she has a power called battle mediation that allows her to greatly influence the side she wants to win in a battle, that's great and all, but the problem is this: If she get captured by Darth Malak (the main bad guy in the game) and he turns her to the dark side, she can use her powers to help the Sith win the war (Oops, forgot to say that there was a war going on, but you knew that, right?). You decide to go outside of the abandoned apartment Carth dragged you into, and your journey begins..........
If you skipped that section because of spoilers you can read again.
Okay now let's talk about character creation, you can pick one of three classes (and later jedi classes), scoundrel(this class is smart and works well with technology and blasters, but isn't good with melee weapons at all),scout(these are like an in between, good but not great with everything, swords, technology, blaster,etc.), and soldiers (I recomend playing with this class your first time through as they have the most health and are good with all weapons, but sometimes you will have to switch to a different party member to unlock doors and use computers).
You will find out about the Jedi classes later in the game, and then choose one.
You can also customize how your character looks and if they are male or female, but the character creation is pretty basic, not as deep as Oblivion.
Faces and hair are tied together, you can't choose them seperately.
Now for the combat system.
It is Turn based, but also real-time, so your other party members are fighting someone while you are fighting someone, unlike Final Fantasy where a each player takes a turn. There are many different "feats" and "force powers" as they are called, but they are basically just attacks, you can heal yourself with a medpac during battle or you can pause and go to your inventory to choose a medpac and when you unpause your character (or your party member) will heal him/herself.
You can make choices in dialouge or other things that will affect your force alignment, at first it may seem like a stupid thing that makes your skin all cracked if you are dark and shiny if you are light but no, it factors into gameplay too. If you are dark and use a lightside power it will take MUCH more force power too use than if you are light, same thing with a light jedi casting a dark power. And at first you don't get very many dark side points for doing bad things or light points for good things, it's because you don't have as many options on your first planet. But when you get to the later planets there are choices that affect whole planets and civilizations.
This game is not too difficult if you know what you're doing, having your whole party die (one or two party members dying won't make you lose, but three will) doesn't happen often, except when you have to do something alone or some "boss" fights. And some of the puzzles are difficult and you might need a guide, but that only happens once or twice in the game.
It is also a fairly long game (anywhere from 25-60 hours, depending on if you do sidequests or not), but it is worth all the time spent on it once you get to the biggest plot twist in recent memory (Just my opinion, and it is VERY big).
And this game is only $20 U.S. dollars or less (if you buy used) because it is a platinum hit.
This is a great game that in my opinion is the best game on the Xbox (Next to Halo, of course!!!).